IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS please pray for Isabel Sayler as she recovers from her nose surgery, for those in cancer treatment programs, for our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.
THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures. If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.
MAIN STREET LIVING – Jan. 19th – Kid’s Crossing revolves around John the Baptist preparing the way for the ministry of Jesus. The featured speaker will be Rev. Greg Lehr from Zion Lutheran in Sioux Falls. His sermon theme will be “A Servant of the One True King.” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to our Lord and His church. At our Annual Meeting we will need to fill various offices and positions. Please contact the Chairman of the Congregation (Randy Koerner) or any elder if you are willing to have your name placed on the 2014 election ballot. Thanks!
SIGN UP SHEET for ushers for 2014, if you would like to be a usher for the year 2014 please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board.
ANNUAL REPORT – It’s that time of year to start working on the annual report. Please get your report to Denise Peterson or to Pastor as soon as you can. Thank you for your help in getting the reports done in a timely manner.
ATTENTION DART BALL PLAYERS; The dart ball season begins on January 20, with Parkston at Freeman. 2014 SCHEDULES are on the bulletin board-pick one up. ALSO, PRACTICES are scheduled for 3:00 pm on Sunday, January 12&19. If you have any questions, contact Tom Stolp or Rev. Weeman.
PLEASE REMEMBER that the back pews on each side of the church are reserved for families with small children (as noted on the signs). If you do not have small children, please courteously move forward so that our families who do have children can sit where it will be easier to take care of them.
LADIES AID will meet on February 6th at 7:00 pm with Lea Lagendyk as Hostess. The Bible Study will be Session 3 – The Great Banquet, followed by the Business meeting. On Altar Guild for February is Sharon Pfeiffer and Millie Gunderson is Visiting Helper.
MENTOR/MENTEE meeting January 19th at 7 p.m., please attend to discuss the February Valentine Dinner.
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held January 26th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.
YOU ARE A BLESSING to St Paul Lutheran!! The BOE collected, with your help, 34 scarves, 12 blankets, 22 pairs of socks,slippers & boots, 2 pair of ear muffs, 84 hats, 79 pairs of mittens & gloves, 8 misc. (thermal underwear, bears and shirts) during the Christmas season that was donated to the food pantry. "Well done my good and faithful servant."
SUNDAY JANUARY 26TH is the Sunday School "Formal" dress up day. Lets show Jesus and the congregation how nice we look when we are dressed our BEST. BOE
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