STREET LIVING – April 26th – The featured speaker is Rev. Don
McKillop of Christ Lutheran Church in Winner and Zion Lutheran Church in Hamill. The program is interpreted for the hearing
of the Holy Ministry (32 years were in SD), District President Dale Sattgast is
retiring. On May 31st there
will be a worship service at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Huron followed by
a meal and program. Please see the notice
on the bulletin board for additional information, including RSVP dates and
contact information.
The 60th CONVENTION of the
SD District of the LCMS was held this last week. Following are the convention highlights:
President Harrison was the presenter.
Scott Sailer was elected District President
Gene Bauman was elected 1st V.P.
Rev. Scott Spiehs was elected 2nd
Rev. Samuel Bobby was elected
District Secretary.
Jeff Siekmann was re-elected
District Treasurer.
Rev. Dale Sattgast was thanked
and given an award for his years of service to the District.
Amy Kashenov was given an award
for her 20 years of service in Kazakhstan and Russia.
Rev. Alan Ludwig (serving in
Siberia) will be the next District-supported missionary.
The trustees will still be accepting
bids for the mowing duties from members until April 26 before the voter's
meeting. Contact Matt Rigo at (605) 366-7476. Please leave a message if no answer
LADIES AID will meet on May 7th at 7:00 pm
with Cindy Hofer as Hostess. The Bible Study will be Session 11 – Workers
in the Vineyard followed by the Business Meeting. On Altar Guild for May
are Ella and Elsie Hein and June Schamber is Visiting Helper. Coffee Hour
Committee for May 3 is Darlene Schrag and Mildred Siekmann.
SENIOR SUNDAY – Please plan to join us next Sunday for our Senior Sunday worship service and the reception afterward.
Thank You all for your prayers, cards and visits during my treatments. Those, together with God’s healing hand, have make the path I am traveling much easier to navigate. (s) Ted Hofer
QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Spring voters’ meeting will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.