IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are
recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our
shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your
life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the
invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its
purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.
MAIN STREET LIVING – June 03, 2018: Today’s message is presented by Rev. Matthew Resner of Immanuel Lutheran in Menno, SD, and St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Scotland, SD. The message “You Are Free to Rest in Christ”, and is based on Mark 2: 23-28.
This Wednesday, at 9:00am, the LADIES BIBLE STUDY will meet at the church. Currently, we are covering the Bible in general and will be picking out a book of the Bible or a book study. All Ladies are invited.
Reminder: THE MEN'S BIBLE STUDY meets at 6:00am at the church on Wednesday morning. Currently we are studying the liturgy, and have plans on studying a book called "Man Up" next. All men are invited
LWML will meet on June
7th at 7:00 p.m. for Bible Study with Pastor Makelin followed by the
Business meeting. Coffee committee for June 3rd is Darlene Schrag and
Joan Dreessen and Corrine Handel. Visiting Helper for June is Darlene Schrag
and Altar flowers is open.
WANTED...and not just for our recent rains, but Harriet Schaeffer from Menno is
collecting umbrellas for Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk to send to the
Philippines where when it rains there, it pours. If you would like to
donate, she asks that you give her a call at 387-2788.
AUXILIARY FUND DRIVE - It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional
Health Services in our community. The Hospital Auxiliary
is having their annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking
for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital,
nursing home, and clinic. There is a free will basket in the fellowship hall at
coffee hour during the month of May. Your participation in this fund
drive will be greatly appreciated.

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