Saturday, March 31, 2012

04-01-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week let’s remember to acknowledge and thank God for all of our blessings, for our prayers that have been answered and for His continued providence in taking care of us. We also pray for all who are in need of our prayers, for those who are recovering from surgery and illness, for our members in cancer treatment, for our shut-in and inactive members, and as always at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

BEFORE LEAVING the sanctuary, please find one person whom you don’t know or don’t know very well, introduce yourself and have a brief chat with them.

HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SERVICES – Our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship services will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please take advantage of this opportunity to worship with us during these last two Lenten services! The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper will be observed on Maundy Thursday. We will offer two services again this year on Easter Sunday. The sunrise service will begin at 7:00 and the late service will begin at the usual time of 9:30.

LADIES AID will meet for a Business meeting on April 5th after the Maundy Thursday service; Darlene Schrag is hostess. Mildred Siekmann is on Altar Guild for April and Phyllis Knittel is Visiting Helper.

CONFIRMATION AND WEEKDAY SCHOOL classes will not be held on April 4th; May 2nd will be the last day of both classes. Parents: if you have not signed up to bring snacks for a while, now is an excellent time to sign up – the volunteer list is looking sparse!

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – Whoever borrowed the VHS tape recording of the Children’s Program this last Christmas, would you please return it to the church? Thanks!

EASTER LILY REMINDER – For those of you who are planning to purchase an Easter lily for our altar on Easter Sunday and would like the person’s name in the bulletin for whom the flowers are given in memory of, please let us know as soon as possible but not later than noon on Maundy Thursday (April 5th). You may bring your plants to the kitchen after lunch on Saturday (April 7th) and you may take them home after the Sunday worship services if you wish. Thanks!

LAWN MOWING BIDS – Spring is here and it is time to find someone to mow our church property. If you are interested in submitting a bid, please contact one of our trustees (Craig, Morgan or Darren) for details. We need to receive your written bid on or before April 18th. Thanks!

SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS – Please note that there will be no Sunday School next Sunday; however, the youth choir will be singing during the 9:30 service.

UPCOMING EVENTS – Please mark your calendars for these future events:
April 5  Maundy Thursday service @ 7:00
April 6  Good Friday service @ 7:00
April 8  Easter services @ 7:00 a.m. and 9:30
May 6  Confirmation Sunday
May 13  Mother’s Day

MAIN STREET LIVING – April 8 – Kid’s Crossing – The Puzzle Club Easter Adventure The featured speaker is Rev. Chris Ascher from Resurrection Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. The sermon theme will be “Uncomfortable?” The hymns are “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”, “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” and “The Day of Resurrection.” The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. MSL may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – April 8 – “Jesus’ Resurrection: God’s Public Guarantee for Lasting Hope!” delivered by Rev. Seltz. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s public guarantee that life is worth living because life in Christ never ends, starting now. (I Cor. 15:17-19) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

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